Best Things About Being Single
"I get to see whatever movie I want to see, instead of the dumb flicks my ex-boyfriend always used to pick."
"There's just no complications, no high drama, no fights."
"You get to have friends of the opposite sex without pissing your significant other off."
"I have two words for you: Mo' Money! When I don't have to pay for dates, I have more money for more cds, more food, and more beer."
"The very best thing about being single is that you don't have deal with your significant other's crap on top of everything else you have going on in your life."
"You don't have to stick with one person! You get to 'taste' all the different flavors out there."
"You can be selfish without seeming selfish. You can do what you want, when you want, with anyone you want, without giving one single thought to how it will affect a significant other."
"Without a girlfriend, I have a lot more time to sleep."
"You don't have to deal with jealousy or possessiveness, and you won't neglect your friends."
"Not having to wait for somebody while they get ready. If I need to leave, I just getta outta there and go!"
"The black hole in my soul, caused by being single for 2 years, is actually quite intriguing."
"You can maintain an identity as a separate person, as opposed to ALWAYS being associated with your significant other… I hate that!"
"The best thing about being single is being able to take up the whole bed and not worrying about sharing the sheets and blankets."
"One random bonus of not having man is that I lose weight. I can't afford to take myself out to dinner, so I always fit into my jeans better when I'm not dating anyone."
"Simple. You're your own boss. If you want to do something, you don't have to make plans with anyone else. You can just do it."
"When you're single, there's always the possibility that your perfect soul mate is out there, and you're all optimistic. When you're dating someone, you just get more aware every single day that this is NOT the soul mate you're looking for, and that's just plain depressing!"
"I can flirt with as many men as I please and love it. When a random guy catches my eye, I can indulge in without any guilt!"
"My grades always go up when I'm single because I spend less time fooling around and more time studying!"
"I can wear the same shirt for 3 days in a row and never iron my clothes and not have to listen to my girlfriend complain about it."
"I don't have to freak out every month waiting for my period! No sex, no possible pregnancy."
Taken From Various Sources