- In the classic 17th century fairy story Sleeping Beauty, Prince charming
awakens the sleeping princess with a kiss.
- John C Rice kissed May Irwin in 1896, and became the first couple to be
recorded kissing in the film called The Kiss.
- In 1926, the eponymous hero of the film Don Juan averages one kiss every
53 seconds (191 kisses in total) with a variety of senoritas.
- The longest kiss in films history was between Jane Wyman and Regis Tommey
in the 1941 film, You're in the Army Now. The kiss lasted 3 minutes and 5
seconds, or 1/25th of the total running time.
- At the Minnesota Rennaissance Festival on 15 September 1990, Alfred
Wolfram from New Brighton, kissed 8001 people in 8 hours - over sixteen
people a minute.