Words Of Wisdom


"Did you know that only winners get to live on this planet? we won the sperm race!"

"Don't worry about failure. Worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try."

"The secret of failure is trying to please everybody." ini nih yang sering nempel dikepala kita... padahal prinsip entertaiment udah bener dan bisa kita terapin didunia nyata "kita tidak bisa memuaskan semua orang dalam satu waktu... tapi seberapa banyak orang yang kita puaskan pada waktu itu yang paling penting...:P

"Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen."

"The opportunity for victory is provided by the enemy" menurut gue hate no enemies... just take the opportunity...

"Let no one over come to you without leaving happier and better"

"In matters of taste, swim with the current; in maters of principle, stand like a rock." biasanya sih kalau kita kebanyakan berenang ngikutin arus... biar selamet atau lebih tepatnya cari selamet...

"A single conversation across the table with a wise man is worth a month's study of book."

"Preparing for the future is not to decide what should be done tomorrow, but what should be done today to have tomorrow."

"Catch the passion for helping others, and a richer life will come back to you." menurut gue every single things pays for good or bad... and it's up to us which one to chose..

"Failure doen't mean your creator has abandoned you. He just wants you to come up with a better idea" gue pernah denger sebuah insert program di Music City pas gue berangkat ke kantor yang mirip dengan kalimat tadi, gue enggak inget semuanya tapi penggalan isinya tuh kira-kira gini "... ya Allah... aku telah memintamu cinta kasih... engkau malah memberiku orang-orang yang bermasalah... tapi dengan itu aku mengerti bagaimana cara dicintai dan mencintai... terima kasih ya Tuhan ku yang aku kira tidak pernah perduli dengan hambamu... padahal hambamu ini yang tidak bisa melihat maksud yang engkau berikan... jangan pernah berhenti untuk memberi ya Tuhan karena hambamu ini tidak akan berhenti meminta..." woi jangan sedih dong.... :-P

"It is not how you fall but how high you bounce!"


You'll know that you miss someone very much when every time you think of that person, your heart beats faster. And just a quick warm "Hello" from that person calms you down...
Bottomline: you might have fallen for that person, just that you have not realise or refuse to admit. (it's damn true...)

Don't be too good, I will miss you. Don't be too caring, I might like you. 
Don't be too sweet, I might fall for you. 
It's hard for me to love you when you won't love me after all...
Bottomline: A person who makes me love him/her is actually a person who loves me more than I love him/her.(kadang-kadang kita jadi takut kalau ada orang yang baik banget sama kita... takut kalau dia suka sama kita... padahal kemungkinan cuma ada tiga... dia bener-bener suka sama kita atau dia emang orangnya baik banget sama kita and that's it, atau ada maunya yang lain yang dia rasa bisa didapet dari kita apa lagi kalau kita punya posisi penting... tapi enak juga kalau semua orang baik sama kita... terima aja kali ya...?)

If someone comes into your life and becomes a part of you but for some reasons he couldn't stay, don't cry too much...just be glad that your paths crossed and somehow he made you happy even for a while.
Bottomline: Time will tell, If he's yours he will come back (sedih banget ngak sih... bisa dibilang kasih tak sampai... tapi menurut gue setiap orang pasti pernah ngerasain...)

Don't throw your back on love when it's already in front of you, don't drive it away from you because if you did, someday you'll think again why you let love fly away when it was once next to you.
Bottomline: Treasure the one who loves you, it's not easy to find a person who loves you. it's always more valuable to have a sincere heart. (kita emang sering enggak ngeliat kalau ternyata orang yang selama ini dekat dengan kita adalah orang yang sebenernya untuk kita atau terbaik untuk kita, setelah dia pergi atau mungkin dapetin orang lain... baru deh kerasa dan nyesel... makanya liat-liat!! (termasuk gue juga.. heee...heee...))

The greatest regrets in our lives are the risks we did not take. If you think something will make you happy, go for it. Remember that we pass this way only once.
Bottomline: Time don't wait. If you think you might have found the right one, treasure him/her. Don't let her/him go away. Don't let fear hold you back. Give it a try else you might regret later...no one other than yourself knows what can truly make you happy. (gue rasa ini berlaku untuk cewe dan cowo... dan pelajaran bahwa kesempatan cuma sekali... momentnya lepas... lepas semua dan susah diambil lagi)

Two tear drops were floating down the river. One teardrop said to the other, "I'm the teardrop of a girl who loved a man and lost him. Who are you?"... "I'm the teardrop of the man who regrets letting a girl go..."  
Bottomline: Nobody will sympathise a person who constantly let chances passes by without making any efforts to salvage. We normally don't realise how important our loved and closed ones are until they leave us, we'll start reminiscing which results in misery. (yup... sering kejadian...)

There are so many stars in the sky but only some are radiant enough to catch your attention. Among those that you chose to ignore is that one star which is willing to continue shining for you, even if your glance remains elsewhere.
Bottomline: Phrase 1: The present person who you are with for the time being may not be the one you truly love. Phrase 2: should a person who knows that he/she can't be with you for the time being and yet still continue to love you wholeheartedly for what you are is touching. Think about it. (no coment.....)

It's so funny how we set qualifications for the right person to love, while at the back of our minds we know that the person we truly love will always be an exception.
Bottomline: We are critical especially to the one we like or love because we want them to be the best, constantly seeking for perfection, which should be worked out by both parties in a relationship and not one party alone to shoulder the burden. (serasa ngejilat ludah sendiri enggak sih...? kita bilang pengen orang seperti gini ataunya dapetnya nggak sesuai... itulah perasaan dan keinginan yang main disini kali ya...? banyak toleransi yang diambil... kadang kalau kita udah suka sama orang... kejelekan dan ketidak sesuaian dengan kriteria kita enggak keliatan... tapi enggak apa-apa menurut gue... selagi kita bisa dan mau ambil resiko itu... mantan boss gue sempen cerita... dia pengen punya suami anak teknik, putih bersih dan enggak ngerokok... trus dapetnya anak ekonomi, tinggi hitam besar dan perokok berat... dia cuma komentar... abis dia baik banget sih...!!)

Love can make you happy although often times it hurts. But love is only special if you give it to which it's worth.
Bottomline: If you found someone who truly appreciates you, He/she deserves more of your love. (sometimes susah dilakuin kalau kita udah dasarnya enggak suka sama orangnya... tapi enggak ada salahnya sih dicoba... kalau terlalu berat... ya enggak usah...)

To love is like playing the piano. First, you play by the rules. Then, you must forget the rules and play from the heart.
Bottomline: Trust is important , to trust a person you like/love must first let the person you like/love trust you. Have confidence in yourself and the person who likes / loves you. Never leave them doubts and don't doubt what he/she has to give. (tapi yang paling penting menurut gue adalah menjaga kepercayaan... karena ini yang paling susah banget untuk dilakuin... sometime malah jadi peluang untuk ngelanggar kepercayaan yang dikasih orang lain...)

What if someone tells you this: I don't believe in courtship. It's just a waste of time. If I love the person, I'll tell him right away. But for you I will make an exception...just love me now and I'll court you forever...
Bottomline: Love needs time to realise, there might be love at first sight but it takes time to let one gradually discover their affection towards another, miss him/her when he/she is not around, hope to hear from he/she when the person hasn't written or called. (yeah... I really familiar with this one... how about U...?)

It's always better to have found the courage to love even if you lose it in the end rather than never found love because you
were too afraid of the challenge. 
Bottomline: Don't give up if you face or think that you have competitors. It's always better to try, if you succeed, the reward is more than you can expect. but if you don't try or don't summon up the courage, you might lose the one you like/love forever...(sometimes kalau gue ngadepin seperti ini suka chicken out duluan... keleman gue tuh...)

You never lose in loving. You only lose in holding back.
Bottomline: Don't be afraid to tell the person you like/love how much you like/love him/her. Let them know, let them decide and make a decision. The best thing in life is to tell the person you like/love how important they are to you, by doing so, you feel liberated. And you are proud of yourself because you are responsible to your own feelings. Never betray your own feelings, because only you who suffers, no one else.(nyokap gue sempet ngobrolin masalah yang mirip sama masalah ini... menurut die baik cowo atau cewe berhak ngungkapin perasaannya sama orang yang dia suka... kalau selama ini ada ungkapan tabu untuk cewe ngungkapin perasaannya sama cowo, sebenernya salah besar menurut nyokap gue... karena yang sakit dia sendiri... "enggak tau perasaan orang lain tentang kita pasti lebih sakit banget dari pada kita tau jawabannya dan itu tidak sesuai dengan keinginan kita" nyokap gue bilang... soalnya ini pernah kejadian sama saudara sepupu bokap gue yang cewe... ceritanya mereka ini temenan baik banget dan ternyata saling suka... tapi ada gengsi diantara mereka untuk saling ngungkapin baik cewe maupun cowo karena mereka pernah komitmen pertamanya akan temenan aja... trus karena saling tunggu antara satu sama yang lain dan enggak ada hasil... si cewe ada yang ngelamar dan cewe-nya pikir kalau gue nungguin si cowo itu kapan gue nikah... dan kawin lah si cewe ini... tapi karena rasa penasaran yang masih sangat besar tentang cinta mereka... pas lagi si suami cewe ini meninggal... si cowo langsung memberanikan diri untuk melamar si cewe untuk jadi istrinya dan dia bilang nyesel banget enggak bilang dari dulu dan harus nunggu puluhan tahun lamanya... dan si cewe seneng banget dan mau jadi istrinya untuk mengungkapkan perasaan dia kalau dia juga suka banget sama cowo itu (makanya jangan pura-pura)... tapi keluarga si cewe (termasuk bokap) ngelarang... karena si cowo udah punya istri dan anak... mau dikemanain... cuma ngorbanin karena rasa penasaran aja... padahal mereka ini umurnya udah 50-an... maka jadilah "kasih tak sampai" sampai sekarang... kasian juga ya...?)

The greatest challenge in our life is to find someone who knows our flaws and differences and yet still willingly embraces you with so much love.
Bottomline: Love is a means of self giving and self sacrificsing, if he/she knows your flaws and still willing to accept you, continue to like/love you as you are or even more, boy, you are lucky! This person truly deserves your love and affection. (kalau ada yang bilang love is about take and give.. menurut gue salah besar... love is about giving something with nothing in return... I know it's hard but we do it any way...)

The spaces between our fingers were created so that another person's fingers could fill them in.
Bottomline: open your heart, let people love you, never doubt their intentions, sincerity can be felt by the heart. (should we try it...? I think so... )

(kalau dari gue... untuk cowo atau cewe enggak ada salahnya untuk ngungkapin perasaannya sama orang lain... tapi hati lu musti pas... jangan campur ragu-ragu... entar ngaco... terutama gue enggak setuju sama istilah tabu untuk cewe ngungkapin perasaan sukanya sama cowo... ada yang pernah ditembak cewe..? gue pernah... dulu waktu pertama kuliah... sedikit aneh pertamanya tapi it was great... apa ada yang enggak setuju sama gue...? boleh aja kok... bebas... dan terakhir gue cuma mau bilang... menurut kriteria kita yang terbaik belum tentu yang terbaik dan kadang-kadang yang sebenernya terbaik buat kita, suka dilepas begitu aja...makanya jangan berdoa dengan meminta sesuatu dengan kriteria tersendiri... tapi berdoa sesuatu yang terbaik dan minta diperlihatkan yang terbaik untuk kita... karena pasti akan buat kita bahagia... dan pastinya terbaik untuk kita belum tentu terbaik untuk orang lain...) saya Deni Akbar signing off, sampai ketemu lagi bye... (asikan kalau mantan penyiar udah ngomong... :-P )

Contributed By :

- Ir.Deni Akbar-

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